German / French Accents , enoding .. is this the right way?
發(fā)起人:bruceowen  回復數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):13101  最后更新:2023/2/24 2:12:31 by kericnnoe1964

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2018/6/26 18:31:20

角  色:普通會員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):1
German / French Accents , enoding .. is this the right way?
I didnt have much idea with the charset encoding. I got to work on a project with european accents.. I want to know more on this..

If i make a german site with joomla, steps to follow to get the proper accents shown. Could any one find some time to post some step by step pointers so that it helps new bies with accents issue...For the ignorance, I tried the character mapping in language files like è etc... and then decoded it using translation table.. but i want to use the actual keyboard characters in the language files... isnt it the right way to do ?

Also, the approach i used of character html equivalent in langauge files, would it crash in browsers like safari?I think , the above would give me good pointers to review and solve many troubles with accents..

Requesting experts thoughts and suggestions on this

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the internet.



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