發(fā)起人:eging3  回復(fù)數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):6519  最后更新:2022/9/28 3:46:15 by nihaota

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2017/5/23 12:59:18

角  色:版主
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):1914
第一單元 外事接待


制藥有限公司 pharmaceutical Co.Ltd
副總經(jīng)理 deputy managing director
研究生 graduate student
論文 paper
研究成果 research findings
實驗助手 labassistant
市中心 down town area
假日酒店 Holiday Inn
旅館招待費 hotel accommodation fee
招待所 guesthouse
舒適如歸 makesb.comfortable
不盡如人意之處 inconvenience in life and work
排憂解難 helpsb.out


Stanford University 斯坦福大學(xué)
a land of wonder 充滿奇觀的國家
head office 總部
magical power 神奇的魅力
Oriental 東方的
Confucianism 儒家思想
Taoism 道家學(xué)說
inexplicable 難以言表的
set foot on 踏上……的土地
cosmopolitan city 國際大都市
maximize 充分利用
in no time 不久
rewarding 有成效的

第二單元 禮儀祝辭


閣下 your excellency...
建交 the establishment of diplomatic relations
近海石油勘探 off shore oil exploration
積貧積弱,任人宰割 enduring impoverishment,long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of other countries
落后要挨打 lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks
刻骨銘心的教訓(xùn) never-forgotten lesson
中華民族偉大復(fù)興 the rejuvenation of China
不懈努力 make unremitting efforts
與時俱近 keep pace with the times
第一要務(wù) the primary task
發(fā)展是硬道理 development is of over riding importance
科學(xué)發(fā)展觀 scientific outlook
和諧社會 harmonious society
互利共贏 win-win
本著……的精神it is in the spirit of
一貫奉行 in the persistent pursuit of
雙邊關(guān)系 bilateral relations
祝酒 joinsbinatoast


mission 代表團(tuán)
gracious hospitality 友好款待
convey 轉(zhuǎn)達(dá)
bosom friend 知己
thriving and robust 蓬勃向上
megalopolis 特大型城市
boast 以……為自豪
unequalled 不能與……相媲美
miraculous rise 奇跡般地迅速崛起

financial giants 金融業(yè)的巨頭
business community 商業(yè)界
manufacturing industry 制造業(yè)
IPR(intellectual propertyrights) 知識產(chǎn)權(quán)
joint consultancy service 合資咨詢服務(wù)機(jī)構(gòu)
transnational corportation 跨國公司
last but not least 最后
at one's earliest convenience 在其方便的時候,盡早……
cherish 珍惜
economic recession 經(jīng)濟(jì)不景氣
ensure asustained growth 確保持續(xù)增長
on the occasion of 請允許我借……的機(jī)會……

第三單元 商務(wù)談判


進(jìn)出口商品交易會 import and export commodities fair
銷售部經(jīng)理 sales manager
supply department 采購部

brochure 宣傳小冊子
scope of business 經(jīng)營范圍
machine tool 機(jī)床
workmanship 工藝
makeaninquiry 詢價
quotation 報價
C.I.F Seattle 西雅圖到岸價(*cost,insurance.freight)
調(diào)整價格 adjusttheprice
competitive 具有競爭力
bulk 很大
substantially 大大地
展臺 exhibitionstand


經(jīng)營的新品 newline of business
汽車零部件 auto parts
update 調(diào)整
at the cost of 不惜以……為代價
our part 我方
發(fā)盤/報盤 offer
折扣 discount
supplies 貨物
freesample 免費樣品
inspection 檢驗
flooroffer 底盤
counter-offer 還盤
合同格式 format of contract
規(guī)格 specification
單價 unit price
保險費由貴方承擔(dān) the insurance premium should be born by your side
business transaction 生意順利成交

第四單元 旅游觀光


廣袤無垠的中華大地 the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory
絢麗多姿的自然景觀 gorgeous and varied natural scenery
如詩如畫 poetic and picturesque
名勝古跡 places of historic interest and scenic beauty
兵馬俑 terra-cotta sodiers and horses
故宮 the Imperial Palace
五岳之首 the most famous of China's 5 great mountains
峻拔突兀 majestic and precipitous appeal

山外有山 mountains beyond mountains
融自然與文化景觀于一體 embody natural scenery and cultural heritage
奇石,清瀑,古松,亭閣 grotesque rock formation,clear waterfalls,old-age pine trees and pavilions
歷代文人雅士書法家 famous ancient writers,scholars and calligraphers of various dynasty
石刻碑文 stone inscription
重巒疊嶂 peaks rising one after another
經(jīng)典佳作 great classics of ancient writers of various dynasty
華夏祖先 Chinese ancestors
吉祥之地 propitious place
祭祀天地 offer sacrifices to Heaven and Earth
聯(lián)合國教科文組織 UNESCO
世界自然與文化遺產(chǎn) World heritage Commission

專業(yè)翻譯公司 http://yourbreakingnews.com

[eging3 于 2017-5-23 13:45:21 編輯過] 格式出錯 
2022/9/28 3:46:17

角  色:普通會員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):10863

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